Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spagetti Topped Bowl

What happens when you are building a bowl using the "pinch technique" and it looks a little boring... and you happen to spy a handy garlic press? Why you load in some other clays and squeeze out bunches of spagetti which you press into the top... and voila, you have a spagetti topped bowl.

The clays were of three different types... a light tan clay for the bottom, a darker red clay, and a porcelain (or more likely b-mix which is a white clay).

Whatever the middle clay was... it came out as dark as chocolate. It was an experiment... and we were trying to use up some odds and ends of clay... so what you get is what you get!

Name: Spagetti Topped Bowl
Date: July 2009
Size: 4D x 4
Clay: Several
Glaze: Perido Green (interior) and clear glossy (exterior) with iron oxide underglaze.

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