Friday, October 23, 2009


Suppose you found a large starfish on the shelf of your local pottery studio.  Wouldn't you want to press it down into clay to see the impression?  Of course.  Well, that was the inspiration for this piece.

First a slab of clay was laid over the upper surface of the starfish.  Then the rough shape was cut out and the clay pressed over the arms.  Then the clay was pulled off the starfish and the clay "reflected" so that the areas that were curled over the arms now formed the arms.  So, if you are following this, you arrive at an impression of the negative of the top of the starfish... that is, the in's go out and the out's go in.  But, all in all, it looks like a starfish.

The glaze was "Salt Buff" and the clay was Highwater Redstone.

Name: Starfish
Date: September 2009
Clay: Highwater Redstone
Glaze: Salt Buff

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